Monday, September 8, 2008

Nephrologist appt today

I had my nephrologist follow-up today; I see her every 6 weeks now. I had my bloodowork done on Thursday- my creatanine levels were up a little from 6 weeks ago, which means my kidney function levels were down from 20% to about 18%, so no dialysis yet. I knew they wouldn't be great, because I did not hydrate very well at all the day of & the day before the bloodwork. I actually forgot my water bottle the day of the test. Also I was bad & had a cup of coffee that morning. The dr also said that one of medications, Diovan can produce a slightly higher creatanine reading on my bloodwork. But the Diovan is partly to help my blood pressure, and mostly to help me not spill so much protein in my urine. She said that next month, she might back me off the Diovan a little. My blood pressures have been pretty consistently around 100/65, so I have a little room to go up on that, if it means lowering my creatanine & keeping me off dialysis a little longer.

She really stressed the urgency to find a living donor it at all possible. I am kind of in a critical window- if I can get transplanted before I have dialysis, the success of my surgery will be drastically better. Any remaining function in my own kidneys will take strain off of the transplanted organ. And better surgery success means better chance of us getting pregnant again sooner- possibly after only a year.

My sister will be unable to donate because of some of the medications she is on. So, my awesome Gillooly cousins are next. Brenda, and Chris Frische (Rachel's husband). Gillooly kinfolk- next time you talk to or see either of them, just know how wonderful they are & what they have been willing to do for me! It still is amazing to me.

I am kind of aggravated with Mayo Clinic's living donor department. My sister was really proactive in trying to get the info & paperwork she needed from them, and they really drug their feet. She also had to make multiple phone calls to get someone to call her back. *sigh*

I'm not sure if Rachel reads my blog, but if you do, I promise I will call you soon. If I'm not at work, I am trying to keep my house clean (hah) or making dinner- my poor hubby doesn't get off work till 8:30 so we usually don't get to eat until 8:30-8:45 on a good night. Then there's the five animals and the ensuing messes they create, bless their hearts.
For you Yankees, that's a Southern way of softening an insult or gripe. Somehow it just sounds kinder- "That Billy, he is such a dumb-ass, bless his heart".

When I'm not cleaning or cooking, I'm sleeping. That's the part of this that has physically been the hardest- the fatigue. It sucks, but such is life for now.

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