Monday, September 15, 2008

Cholesterol & Animal messengers

Rick's bloodowork came back- he is not diabetic, which is great. But, his cholesterol was high, which is not so great. So, we are both on the diet bandwagon together. It's tough; we both love Southern style home cooking, but we are trying to stick to the adjustments.

Mayo clinic has sent my cousin Brenda the vials for her to get her blood typed, so we can see if she is a possible match. Everyone please continue to keep our families in your prayers.

Today after we got home, we let the dogs out & then I went back inside. Rick went to go get the mail, and he called me outside to come look at something. A really lovely butterfly had found it's final resting place just beside our driveway. It must have floated down from somewhere right after we went inside. It was nice, we stopped for a few moments to admire it & life slowed down for a minute after a crazy day. It was very fragile; I still don't know how it made it into our yard in one piece. I wondered what message it was trying to bring us?

Not everyone feels that animals have a soul or a spirit but I do. I also think they try & communicate with us, I think they try and be messengers & want us to be part of their life journey too. While I very strongly consider myself a Christian, I still believe the rest of God's creation has a spirit. I have always had a special love for animals, and even though having 5 animals in my small house can get crazy, they remind me every day what life should be like. They love without limit, are the most faithful friends you could ever ask for, and all they ask for in return is our love.

So, tonight I looked up butterflies online. I found it very intriguing:

"Butterfly spends the first part of its life crawling the earth, before metamorphosis leads it to spin a home for stasis (known as a cocoon). After transforming, Butterfly is reborn as various beautiful colored winged creatures of the air.
This insect is extremely sensitive to the Harmony of Earth, and is the first creature to leave a damaged ecology. Butterfly's graceful dancing-like appearance on flowers reminds us to find the joy in nature and make it a part of our life.
Butterfly enters our life as a messenger for change. If it comes to us hurt or ill, Butterfly asks us to stop keeping our joy at bay. It may take some time being alone with ourselves to listen to Butterfly's gentle requests that we allow the natural transformation of things in our lives."

I looked it up online and it is a pipevine swallowtail. Here are some pictures we took. (The last 2 are photos I got off the internet of live butterflies of the same kind)



I also had a visit from a hawk the other day. We have seen him flying around our neighborhood for a number of years and we figured he had a nest in the nearby woods. The other day when I came home, he was actually sitting right on my fence in the front yard. I pulled in the driveway and watched him for a minute- he just stared at me. He didn't fly away until I got out of the car. He was really neat- he had big red eyes. I looked him up too, and I am pretty sure he is a Cooper's hawk. Either that or a sharp-shinned hawk; the two are very similar. Here is a picture from the internet of a Cooper's hawk.


"While many birds are regarded as messengers between the worlds of spirit and matter, Hawk is considered to be more dedicated to this role. It symbolizes clear-sightedness and a long memory. It's also believed that if you hear a hawk cry during a journey, it's wise to be alert to the possibility of situations that need boldness and decisiveness so that you won't be thrown off balance.
Hawk's cry may also be telling us to open our awareness, for in a deeper sense this bird symbolizes the messages that are always available to us, if we pay attention. In this sense Hawk teaches us the lesson of receptivity.
So often we ask for something, either aloud, through repeating or writing affirmations, or through our thoughts. Then we wait and wait, and nothing seems to have happened. Not only haven't we received what we asked for, but we don't even seem to have even received a clue about how to get it.
This is the message of Hawk medicine: The answer is always given. Hawk, while soaring high in the sky, is always alert to the slightest movement on the ground below. When we cultivate that kind of awareness, we are adjusting our vibrations to receive the messages that we want to hear. In this state, we find synchronicity operating. We may be looking for a new place to live and see an article describing the ideal location. We're trying to solve a problem on the job and happen to surf onto a web page that offers a perfect solution.
Not all of our answers come from the outside world. Hawk also stands for inner vision, drawing on our own intuition and psychic awareness. When we trust ourselves, are receptive to answers whatever their source, we soar with Hawk."

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