Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hematologist appointment

I had my follow-up with the hematologist yesterday; we went over my bloodwork from a few weeks ago. He said I am still anemic, but not nearly as badly as when I was post-pardum. So the anemia was not caused by the pregnancy, just aggravated by it. My iron is still significantly low, as is my hemogloben & some other blood stuff that I can't remember the names of.
He said he could just put me back on the Procrit shots, but since I am only mildly anemic, he doesn't want to resort to that just yet. So, he wants me to start taking an over-the-counter iron supplement 3 times a day, if my stomach can tolerate it. If my tummy finds this disagreeable, I can back it off to 2 times a day or 1 if I really need to, but he would prefer 3. I also have to take a calcium supplement along with the iron pills, because calcium helps the body in absorbing the iron properly. He was going to suggest I drink orange juice, but I can't because it's full of potassium.
He said that once we get my iron levels up, there is a possibility that there will be an increase of the hormone that my kidneys send to my bone marrow to tell it how many blood cells to make. I have to do more bloodwork in 4 weeks, and if my iron levels are still low, he said I will have to probably get iron supplementation via I.V.. Which sounds unpleasant to me, so I'd like to avoid it if possible.

I go back to see him in 5 weeks, so more updates to come.

1 comment:

Mandi said...

Maybe i forgot why, but what's wrong w/ potassium?

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