Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Finally a little good news

Sorry for the delay in posting; things have been pretty busy both at work & home.

Good news- my cousin Brenda has passed the first step to being a donor. Her bloodwork matched & they confirmed she is the right type. I am not sure what if any other things they did in the initial bloodowork. Now she has alot of testing- things like xrays, EKGs, physical, etc. She can do about 80% of the next tests at her home (Colorado). The remaining tests will have to be done here at Mayo in Jax. So we are moving forward; its encouraging that we are actually getting somewhere instead of feeling like I am just sitting around getting sicker.

I had a follow-up with my rheumatologist last week and she took some blood samples. When she first saw me 6 months ago, there were some slight indicators of lupus or something similar, and even though she had pretty much ruled out lupus, she wanted to be sure that those things had cleared up (signs of inflammation in my body, which can be pregnancy-related, or lupus-related). She also checked some other things, including my creatanine (kidney function indicator).
When I saw my nephrologist 6 weeks ago, my creatanine was around 3.7 (I think), which means about 18% remaining kidney function. But, the bloodwork I did last week had my creatnine around 2.3. Which is slighty better! This is good news. For now, my kidneys are working a little better than they were 6 weeks ago. The longer they stay at the level they are at & don't get worse, the longer I don't have to have dialysis.

Oh, I also started to learn to ride horses. That is an adventure I will save for another post, because it is way past my bedtime.

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