Friday, July 11, 2008


Yesterday I went back to Mayo for my gyno visit and for the additional bloodowork. Gyno was normal; unpleasant and humiliating! The bloodwork was ordered by my coordinator to see if we could possibly get a kidney function reading of 20% or below before my file goes to committee next week. A couple weeks ago they got me at 21.5%.... So, my coordinator suggested we do the bloodwork one more time, and told me to not drink anything (not even water) after dinner the night before, because being well-hydrated can make your creatanine levels look better than they really are.
As I mentioned before, the insurance companies will not allow Mayo to list me on the national transplant list until we get that 20%. And we can't start screening potential donors until I am on the national list.

Well my coordinator called me today, and the bloodwork from yesterday got a reading of exactly 20.0% function!!!!! That means that once the commitee approves me, I will be able to be listed. She said my file goes to committee this coming Tuesday, 7/15/08. She will be calling me the next day to let me know the official decision, but she said she doesn't anticipate any problems.

This means there will be no sitting around waiting for me to get sicker. It feels good to finally have something go our way! I owe SO much thanks to my coordinator. She has really been on our side and has gone to bat for me on more than one occasion.

So, one hurdle has been cleared! Now we need to get moving on finding me a living donor. More to come soon!

1 comment:

Mandi said...

YAY!! Congrats on having crappy-enough kidneys :) Well, you know what i mean. Glad to hear you don't have to get sicker. :)
When are we getting together?

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