Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay Update

We have been safe at home since about 4:30pm. There's been plenty of wind all night. It's steadily windy, and there are frequent gusts that really bend the trees. I'd say about 30-45 mph. It's been raining non-stop since about lunchtime, but there hasn't been much heavy downpour. More of a moderate but steady rain;p small misty drops as opposed to big heavy ones.

A couple hours ago JEA was reporting around 80,000 homes were without power. Most of the bridges were closed by the time we got home. We had to take an alternate route past downtown & across the Fuller Warren bridge.

We've just been enjoying the night @ home together; mostly we have vegged out & watched movies & taken occasional trips outside to take in the storm. The dogs & cats are very happy that we are home! All the mammals have been a little clingier than usual, they don't like storms and this one has alot of noisy wind so they are a bit unsettled. The cats keep staring intently at the windows- the sound of the wind is blowing their kitty minds.

Conditions are supposed to stay the same or possibly worsen throughout the night, but it seems like maybe Fay will be moving west of us by early morning.

On a non-weather related topic, my cousin Brenda called me the other day. She is fairly certain her blood type is O+, and she offered to be screened to be a living donor for me. How awesome is that?

Also, my aunt gave me a more than generous gift while I was visiting her. I can't tell you what it meant to me that she & my uncle were willing to do that for us.
While I was still in the hospital in January, Rick's 2 uncles & aunt also gave us amazing gifts. When the doctors put me on bedrest during the pregnancy, our income got cut down by over a third literally overnight. Without their help, we would not have made it through the 2 months I was out of work.

We really do have an amazing family!

I have a big family on both my mom's & dad's sides, and are spread out all over the country, from one coast to the other. But I have always been so proud that we are a family who, no matter how far apart we are, always comes together for one another.

Well I am off to finishing the movie we are watching; I hope all the Florida folks stay safe & dry tonight!

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